Wednesday, July 05, 2006

We spent the better part of four days fishing and exploring the back country of Colorado and Utah because my husband had a four day weekend because the 4th of July fell on Tuesday. Of course, while he fishes I knit. I love when he says, "Boy, it's a perfect day to go fishing." Because what I hear is, "Boy, it's a perfect day to sit in the warm mountain sunlight and knit, watch you switch out bait and lures, and observe the flora and fauna of summer." It's almost the season to start looking for mushrooms and wild raspberries, which means that knitting will take a back seat, when we go to the mountains, until I have enough of both to last until next year. My children are finally old enough to either be excited that we are going fishing and mushroom hunting or complain and pout because they, or rather "she", would rather go shopping and stay with a friend. Yes, I am about to be the proud mother of a teenage daughter.

Not much else to write about, I haven't done much else. You know what it's like when everyone is home. Mom becomes the all around entertainer.

Happy knitting!

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