Tuesday, May 27, 2008

My Blogaversary Came and Went

I must apologize for not writing on the anniversary of my blog. Two years!! Wow! It doesn't seem that long. I have been so caught up in all the drama in my life right now (ok for longer than just "right now") that I didn't have it in me to write. Between The Son growing up, summer break coming about without me being available to entertain my kids, HoneyBunny's never-ending back problems that is ruling his life, etc, etc. I just haven't felt like writing.

I have been knitting and crocheting though! I have finished The Daughter's swim suit--it's very cute but I doubt I will post a picture of her in it, but I may post a picture on my Ravelry page. And I finished another pair of summer socks for HoneyBunny.

He loves them. I love that they used nothing but left-over yarn! After all, a hole in the stash means that there is room for new yarn! Yeah for new yarn!

With the little bit of warm weather we have had our river here is trying it's best to flood the roads and whatever else lies on the banks. I checked out the USGS site (geology stuff) to see how high the river was running and it said that it was at 97% of normal and 11 feet above normal.

If you look closely at the background you can see the bridge that is usually 11 feet higher in the air.

The river is providing me with a source of distraction from all of the other "stuff" that is threatening to devastate me. I love to see Mother Nature take control and remind us that she does what she wants when she wants to and our efforts to contain her rarely work. I believe we should live in harmony with her not fight to control her.

So, that just about wraps it up.

Happy Blogaversary to me!


Awesome Mom said...

Congrats. I didn't do anything for my two year blogiversary either, don't feel bad. I love holes in my stash and I enjoy filling them too.

Fiber Chic said...

Happy Blogiversery! the socks look great! That's the problem with me and socks; I never have extras that would match in any complimentary way.