Sunday, January 06, 2008

Back to Normal(?)

The holidays are now over. The final Christmas decorations have been packed away and the house put back into some sense of an organized mess. I am always a little melancholy when it all ends. There is so much build up, hype, and excitement that when it all ends I feel a little...oh, I don't know what word to use...I feel bored, I guess. The kids will return to school on Tuesday(don't ask, "Why Tuesday?" I don't know) and then the whole holiday thing is officially over.

I started putting my Ravelry page together last night. There is so much cool stuff on there! It is a fantastic space place to see what the rest of us yarnaholics are up to.

I started my January Sockamania socks. I am using some of my own hand-dyed yarn. It is a very basic sock, but the yarn makes them wild and the daughter has already claimed them. I will post some progress pictures next time.

It has been snowing here since yesterday evening. The power went out during the night for a couple of hours. We woke up because the house was so cold!!! Then couldn't get back to sleep. So we are all very tired today. It is getting ready to really lay down some snow here in a few minutes--getting very dark outside. I think I will take a nap zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Happy Knitting.


Fiber Chic said...

Enjoy your nap!

Unknown said...

I like the new look.