Sunday, April 29, 2007

I have nothing real exciting to say today. I finished my pants and a pair of sock, then spun a whole bag of that nasty scratchy stuff I mentioned in a previous post and now I am just tired. It has to be the weather. This is the first Fat Tire Festival weekend that it hasn't rained in I don't know how many years, at least 6 years that I am sure of. Instead it has been in the 80's!!! It isn't supposed to get into the 80 degree range until late May. It is TOO HOT!!!! I like cool weather, it allows for knitting. When it gets hot and the cooler isn't hooked up yet it is too difficult to think about wool socks, wool sweaters, etc. for me anyway.

It's time to break out the silk, hemp, cotton, linen!!! It's time to knit and crochet bikini's, lacey shawls, tiny t-shirts, etc. YEA!!!! A whole new set of fun! By the way for those of you who are fans of the "White Lies" lingerie there will be a book out in June full of her designs. I already pre-ordered my copy.

Happy Knitting

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