Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Be Careful What You Look For

Ya, so we found it.  The wiring in the house IS THE ORIGINAL WIRING.  It's like a hundred years old.  I don't quite know how I feel about living in a house where the wiring might start a fire at any moment.  I have WAY too much yarn and fiber.  If it caught fire I would be the crazy lady running back into the house, braving the flames and smoke, to rescue my yarn and knitting supplies, sweaters, fiber, spinning wheels, etc.

Also the boiler is THE ORIGINAL BOILER.  I know nothing, zero, zip about boilers.  But a hundred year old, coal burning boiler doesn't seem to great.  I guess you have to watch the gauges on it and take buckets of water down under the house, where the boiler is at,  to fill it up at least once a week so that it doesn't run out of water, build up too much pressure, and explode.  I don't know how I feel about that either.

I am really torn.  Is it worth the risks?  It has been standing for over a hundred years after all--no fires, no exploding boilers.  Eight rooms, a yarn shop in the front............a fire destroying all of my yarn..........What would you do?  Would you risk it?  Does it sound worth it to you?  I have to have some input here.  Let me know what you think.


AfternoonMoon said...

I would say "risk it". The rewards far outweigh the risks.
I pay $38 a month for insurance for my shop, and the character of the building will far outweigh any wiring that you have to have done.

If it has as many bedrooms as you say it does, then "rent" one of the rooms out to a journeymen electrician in exchange for rent.

To totally wire my house we used miles to fly a friend up to AK and drove him and his wife around for four days in exchange for 5 days of wriring (the whole house).

Maybe a couple months of a "house guest" might be beneficial. Post a sign at the local electrical union and see what inquiries you get.

In the meantime, I would up your life insurance.

Tama said...

Thanks! I will look into it. Your final words made me giggle :o)

ZONE F DG TEAM said...

Old homes have character that can't be found in today's modern homes.

Our home is well over 100 years and our only immediately problems have tended to be neighbour related...LOL


marit said...

I'd say go for it, even with the old wiring!

We bought a 140year old house 12 years ago, and it was big and lovely. Cold, yes, but we did a lot of work on it, replaced all the wiring, extended the roof, built a new bathroom, remodelled the kitchen, painted each room....and then we lost it in a fire...(probably lightning that struck!) but I'd do it again if I could! We have a beautiful new home now, but I still miss the old one!

Happy holidays! And good luck with your move...

Anonymous said...

Difficult dilemma. Our boiler broke down recently and we had 3 days of freezing cold - not fun. Totally understand your dilemma and I've no idea what you ought to do. Sorry.