Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I am still alive

This is what happens when you get a full-time "plus" job. I haven't had two seconds to do anything for.......well, since my last post.

A day or two after my last post I got a job offer to be the store manager for a fireworks store. Here in Wyoming fireworks is big business and the stores stay open year round. The store is brand new. The original store burnt to the ground last August. I have heard that it was quite the event. Some kids decided they needed a distraction while they robbed some stores in town. They broke in, poured gasoline up and down the aisles then lit a match. The kid who did that barely made it out before the fumes, fireworks, and gasoline exploded. The building burned for days.

Anyway, so my store is the new one standing on the same foundation as the old one. It's nice, but it has been so crazy putting it together, hiring employees, travelling to Cheyenne for a training seminar, pricing, inventory, etc, etc. I worked for three weeks, 10 and 12 hours days, without a day off. It was exhausting! I am still working about 45 hours a week. However, I found out today that beginning next week I will be back to working 7 days a week until after the fourth of July. Oh goody! (lots of heavy sarcasim inflected here).

Knitting? No knitting, no yarn, NO FUN! All these great new patterns I had just picked up to occupy my hours of babysitting the motel are sitting collecting dust on the shelf. BOO HOO HOO! I keep staring at them, looking through the books over a quick breakfast, and wishing I had more time for them.

How about you, all of my cyber friends? Are you knitting?


Cloudberry said...

Sounds like you are more than busy.. I really hope you'll get the time to knit soon!

Awesome Mom said...

I hope you get some knitting time soon!

I have been slowly working on a pair of socks for me and am almost done with a knit cat. I was thinking of casting on a shawl but decided that things were just too crazy right now with the baby to try something that big and complex.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new job.

Not visited your blog for ages. What's happened to the motel?

Tama said...

Oh we are still managing the motel also. HoneyBunny has taken over the majority of it. I still have to do all of the paperwork, payroll, deposits--you know the time consuming difficult part.