Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Good Stuff!!

TADA!  Here is the sweater I started in Florida.  It took all day Saturday to sew up!  It turned out wonderful and I LOVE IT!!  It's a great pattern, but the fact that the entire sweater is knit in separate pieces means I will probably never knit it again.--You know how I feel about sewing--

It is made from Svale by Dale of Norway.  The drape of the fabric is unmatched!  The silk/cotton/viscose blend makes it soft yet crisp.  Great stitch definition!

Now I can start another sweater!  Probably another Lopi one.  I have yarn to make two more of them.  I just need to make up my mind which one.

Look what HB bought for me!!!  He really knows how to make a lady feel loved!  Not only does he listen when I tell him about knitting stuff--that I know he really isn't interested in--but he is willing to support my habit.  You gotta love a man like that!
He also bought this gorgeous yarn for me!! 
It's Casbah by Hand Maiden.  Merino/cashmere/nylon.
I already started a shawlette with the blue blend. That yarn with my new needles is HEAVENLY!  So heavenly that I was up until midnight knitting because I was enjoying it so much! 

I'll post pictures of it when it's done.
Happy Knitting!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Promised Pictures

Ok.  FINALLY, here they are:
This is the Westin's private beech.  It was really beautiful!Our motel room was AWESOME!
The Tampa evening skyline from our motel window.

And that is a few pictures from Florida.  I love Tampa.  I can't wait to take the kids and go back for a visit someday!!

Here is the hat I made for The Daughter:
She love's it--a huge plus when making her something.  I used a bulky weight merino/cashmere blend yarn.  The results are warm, soft, and wonderful!  This is another one of my "off the top of my head" patterns--not bad!

So, there are the pictures I promised the other day :o)

Monday, February 15, 2010

Random Thoughts

I spent a fun filled weekend (no really, it was fun!) dying yarn, knitting, watching movies, and making Valentine cards.  I am not usually a home-body, but when I am in the mood to play with my yarn I am all about hanging around the house.  Here's the results:

I got The Daughter's hat finished--oops!  I knew there was something I forgot to take pictures of.  It turned out so cute!!  It was a special request, and when she puts one in I try to fulfill it cuz she is tough to make stuff for.  I swear she doesn't like anything!  I will find 40 things I love and she MIGHT find one.

I love starting projects!  But I love finishing them even more!!  Since I was on a roll I finished the first sock of a new pair for HB, also a special request.  Nothing worth taking a picture of though.  He wants several pairs of plain black crew length socks.  No cables, no designs, nothing fun.  Just boring black.  At least I will get caught up on my books I want to read LOL!!

I almost finished the sweater I started in Florida.  WAIT TIL YOU SEE IT!!!  I made it with some of the Svale (from Dale of Norway) yarn that I sell in my Etsy store.  It is the Jade colored Svale.  Svale is a blend of cotton, silk, and viscose.  It has a very soft hand and the fabric drapes beautifully!  It is a spring/summer sweater pattern that I bought several years ago, but just haven't got around to making it until now.  The color and style will go wonderfully with black, off white, white, or jeans.  Everything from dressy to casual.  I can't wait to finish it!  All that's left are the sleeves and then I have to sew it together. 

Ya, I know.  Another "sewing" project.  I guess it's going to be the year I make projects that need sewn up.  It all started with that afghan.  Now I've made socks (My Victorian Valentine) and a sweater all requiring sewing.  I've got to get it stopped before it gets out of control! (Socks that require some sewing!?  Come on!) 

I have the "Sneek Peek" for Sockamania done so I thought I would put it on here also.  It's the March sock pattern, "Wearin' O the Green".  I got the yarn as a "test yarn" sample from Yarn Addict Anni.  She has a new item she is thinking about putting in her store and asked if I would try it out for her.  Of course, I was happy to help!!  The knitted square didn't look to exciting as it was, but it created some REALLY cute socks!!  I love the color!  (The pattern's not half bad either!)

The afghan is coming along, right on schedule.  I have four squares all done and started a fifth square Saturday.  I would like to have all 24 squares done by the end of October so that I can spend November blocking the squares and sewing them up.  I may even start blocking them now.  If I wanted to I could sew up each block of 4 squares as I finish them.  Which I may do.  One way or the other, I want the afghan done by December 1st so I don't have to rush around at the last minute trying to get the thing together in time to mail it out for Christmas.  It really makes a Knitter feel good to have a Christmas project so well planned out AND be on target for completion in the right amount of time.  Let's see if I can keep it going!

I've been reading all of Elizabeth Zimmermann's books, since I'm making boring socks.  WOW!  She was such an amazing person!  I've mentioned before that I am very fond of history, especially knitting history.  Her life, stories, and patterns are SO wonderful and amazing!  Most of her knitting projects are very provencial, but reading about them and how to put them together makes me want to rush right out and start another afghan--Mystery Blanket from Knitter's Almanac--or the Pi are Squared shawl from Knitting Around.  Heck!  While I'm at it I'll start a couple of pairs of mittens and a Bog Jacket also!!  WooooHOoo!  (I am outta control.  I don't know what knitting bug bit me, but I got it BAD.)  Anyway, I just keep asking myself why I have resisted becoming one of her fans for so long.  I can be so rebellious some times.  (Ok, ok, most of the time.)  I guess it's because EVERYBODY who knits talks E.Z., knits E.Z., and reveres E.Z..  I have never been much on following the crowd, but I should know that knitter's always know a good thing when they see it!  She truly contributed to what knitting is today for all of us!  If you are like I was and have been resisting the E.Z. pull, resist no longer and buy the books!  Buy the workshop CD's!  For crying out loud, I've watched the entire series twice and can't wait to watch it again!

Well, I better quit.  I am sure you all think I am a lunatic by now and there is no sense in making it worse.  I still need to post those Florida pictures....maybe tomorrow.

Monday, February 08, 2010

Catchin Up!

I keep waiting to post until I can post pictures.  Well if I don't post anyway there is going to be so much to post about it will take forever.  So, when I get around to uploading pictures to my computer there will be a "picture catchin up" post.

The trip to Florida was WONDERFUL!!!  I can't think of a better place to go to get rid of 6 years of pain and suffering (oh ya for HB also LOL!).  HB is almost as good as new.  He went from "no hope" to "a world of opportunities", from "you will just have to live with the pain" to "pain-free".  It is truly a miracle!!!  After all of the heart-breaking news we have received about his condition over the past two years his condition now, after a one and a half hour surgery, is nothing short of a miracle.  Words cannot express the gratitude I feel.  If I had just won an academy award I would be saying, "I'd like to thank God, the internet, all of the wonderful staff at Laser Spine Institute, Bernard (one of the shuttle drivers) at the Westin Inn, the staff of the Westin Inn, the helpful and kind flight attendants, the Florida TSA security people, HB's ex-worker's comp insurance company for being so terrible and forcing us to settle (if we hadn't he wouldn't have been eligible for the surgery at LSI), and my boss for hiring me for a job with a business that just happened to have the insurance carrier that LSI accepted."  Without all of these people HB would not be where he is today.

Ok, I gotta stop before I get my keyboard all wet and soggy.  I will post pictures of one of the most beautiful places on earth--Tampa Florida--and THE most beautiful, comfortable, relaxing, amazing hotel's I've ever stayed in when I get the pictures uploaded from the camera.  We will be going back there someday--soon!--for a vacation with the kids.  Everyone should visit Florida at least once in their lives.

On with the knitting update:  I have gone and started what I said I would never make another one of.  Yep!  you guessed it!  I got a wild hare and started an afghan for my in-laws for Christmas. 

I know what you are saying, "Don't you remember that gigantic pink thing for The Daughter and how you swore it was the biggest black hole you've ever worked on?  What about all that ranting and raving you did because it just WOULDN'T GET FINISHED?  Are you CRAZY!?" 

Me:  But, you see, this afghan is different!  There are only 24 squares to knit then you just sew them together and TADA! instant afghan. 

You:  "What?  What did you say?  Did you say you had to sew?  Don't you HATE sewing stuff up?"

Me:  Ummmm, yaaaaaa........but it's only 24 will be really easy right?  I just knit at least two squares a month, three for a couple of the months, then in November sew all the squares.  It should be ok.  I have all year to get it done.

(Check back with me in June to see how I'm doing or if I've buried it deep in some closet somewhere.)

I don't know what was wrong with me this weekend, but I couldn't start enough new projects.  Apparently it isn't enough to have 6 other UFO's or WIP's laying around.  I started the March AND April Sockamania designs, another tie for PB, two new sweaters, and the hat I was supposed to make for The Daughter for Christmas but didn't quite get to it--good thing the temperatures are still in the single digits or low double digits here!  I was like a kid in a candy factory where I could run from place to place sampling everything.  As I looked over the disaster area this morning I marved that I didn't have a hangover from all the "new yarn fumes"!  It was all terribly fun!!!  Now I have to dig deep inside myself, find my self control, and commit to finishing everything before starting anything new!!!  Except maybe for those off-white lace gloves out of that luscious alpaca silk from Misti Alpaca's I bought a little while back--that yarn is so delicious I want to fill the bathtub with it, dive in, and roll around in it naked!!!  (HB is rolling on the floor laughing at that!) 

Anyway, with all of that out of my should be up to date.  Pictures will follow, not of me rolling in the yarn (LOL!), but of Florida and all my new projects.

Happy Knitting!!  And if any of you have been told there is no hope out there JUST KEEP LOOKING!!  Somewhere is the answer! and people waiting to help you.