It's A Small World (NOT!) After All
It is not a secret that my one true love in this life--besides HoneyBunny of course--is knitting socks. However, in my small minded existence, I occasionally think that I am one of only a handful of knitters that knit socks. So, yesterday I was in the mood to surf around the internet and look at some sock patterns that had been referenced on Ravelry. Let me just say W--O--W!!!
There are so many sock patterns out there--some that are so amazing, wonderful, incredible, leave me speechless, that I can't believe they aren't in a book--that one will never live long enough to knit all of the socks one would REALLY like to knit. I had the crazy thought that I could make it my life's work to try to knit them all though!
I knit pretty fast and have made hundreds and hundreds of socks (so many that I can honestly make them in my sleep), but sadly I will die a very old woman before I am able to make ALL of the socks that I would like. I was so taken back by the number of sock loving knitters out there!! And that is just the ones who are on-line. I am sure there are at least that many out there that aren't on-line. WOW! 

In an effort to not be "out-done" I thought I would post some of my "amazing" socks that were my firsts (the first three pictured) and some of my latest (all the rest).
I just love knitting socks. It seems that my latest are so boring after those first 50 or so socks, but that is because the main wear-er of my socks is the "Boring Sock Lover"--HoneyBunny. I need to return to those exciting ones. They are so much fun!!
Well, I'm off to see if I can find the pattern for that pair of 12 color Turkish socks I wanted to make a few years ago.
Happy Knitting!
Sicks are a lot of fun to knit. I am planning on making a lot more too. I am very impressed with your color working skilz. That is something that I am still working on.
Your socks look amazing. I've just begun knitting socks and have posted my first one done on my blog the other day.
Please check it out.
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