Could I Have Any More UFO's or WIP's?
Of, course! There is always room for more UFO's and WIP's in a knitters life! Unfortunately, they are really getting in the way if I want to do anything on my computer. More than half of my desk in covered in yarn, WIP's, and UFO's a good eighteen inches deep (that's about 46 cm for those outside the US). I don't remember EVER having this many projects going on at once! It really is completely out of control!First, there is the hooded sweater that I started the day after Christmas. I am using recycled yarn from a sweater that I had made for HoneyBunny two Christmas' ago that just never fit him right. I re-did the neck at least four times but it still was messed up. I finally gave up and just ripped the whole 10 skein sweater apart and started this instead--so far so good.
Next is my Sockamania project for January--New Years Socks. I have the first one done and the second one started. It is a super easy pattern! I have neglected to mention where all of these Sockamania patterns can be found. So here is a link. Anni sells some great yarn as well!!! Which reminds me.................
This was in my mailbox Saturday. I ordered the Sea Scape 100% lace weight cashmere from Anni's etsy store. The blue, bamboo/wool sock weight skein was my prize yarn for the Sockamania December drawing--also found in Anni's store. I can't wait to get a project started with them!!!!!The next UFO sitting here is the beginnings of a pair of Mad Color Weave socks. (I can't find the link--it was on one of the SAMKAL Blogs). I love this pattern! Even in plain yarn it is gorgeous!
This is the other pair of socks that I am working on right now. The yarn is some that I swapped for with Hege. I love the color! I am a sucker for olive greens and tans. These are going to be for HoneyBunny's birthday. I have them about half done.
Not pictured are the Turkish Socks--that are definately in the UFO status, the lace shawl--UFO, the silk/wool lace socks--WIP, and the green pants for the daughter--UFO.
I can't believe I am looking for a pattern that I can use for my new yarn! Where is my self control?
Happy Knitting!
It is nice to know that I am not the only one. I try and make myself finish things by telling myself that if I finish X I can cast on Y. That helps a lot so my WIPs do not pile too high.
I don't care if I don't understand the knitting acronyms, I still love visiting your blog and seeing what you are creating.
UFO--Un Finished Object. WIP--Work In Progress. Hope that helps :)
I´ve left a comment on the PIF post on your blog, but I haven´t got any response...
Is it still "working"?
I'm glad to know I am not the only one who covers her desk with WIPs and yarn! Oh and knitting magazines, notes, needles, patterns ... pay bills, what?!?! I can't find them in the yarn :o)
Wow Angela! Are you sure we aren't looking at the same desk? So glad I'm not buried in all this knitting stuff alone.
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