Thursday, January 24, 2008

Ahhhhhh Knitting (sigh)

A wise blogger once said, "Ravelry is a black hole." I agree. Since I have been sick and lonely (everyone has gone back to school and work) I have been working on my Ravelry notebook and "surfing" around Ravelry looking at patterns and yarn and people and patterns and more patterns. If you EVER cannot think of what to knit next go to Ravelry and just look around!! I honestly have spent four hours, or more, everyday the past few days looking at patterns. And as if I hadn't spent enough time looking at patterns on Ravelry, when I read Yarn Addict Anni's blog the other day she mentioned a pattern on Knitty so I made the mistake of going over there to see it and ended up with more patterns, than I will ever be able to knit in a lifetime, for everything from socks to hats (which covers everthing from toe to head). Now, I already mentioned the number of UFO's and WIP's that I am currently buried in, I am actually starting two more projects. WHY?! It's not that I don't already have enough to do, and of course if I would spend more time knitting than looking for more patterns I might actually be getting some of them done. I just love patterns!!! In fact, with the number of pattern books and loose patterns that I have collected over the past few years, one might almost assume that I just like patterns. I must admit I REALLY like to look at knitting patterns in books, magazines, online, in the LYS, etc, etc. I also will sit and read knitting patterns for other projects while I am knitting on a different project--sometimes this is not a good idea so do be careful if this sounds like something you would enjoy as well. I am astounded at the amazing talent that exists out there in the world. So many beautiful projects and color combinations that make you want to grab your keys and rush to the nearest LYS for yarn so you can cast on as you drive home.

I do love knitting, make no mistake! But it's would be wrong to say that I like it MORE than knitting patterns. If something ever happens and I can no longer pick up my needles and knit, there will always be patterns.


Awesome Mom said...

What is your Ravelry user name? I would love to add you as one of my friends, I only have two. *sob*

I have an enormous queue of things that I want to know thanks to all the lovely patterns there.

Tama said...

I am The Twisted Hare. What is yours? I would love to add you to my friends as well!

Cloudberry said...

I so agree with you!!

And I keep thinking about all the time I spend at Ravelry (and other sites...) that I could have used for knitting instead...

Fiber Chic said...

Have fun surfing the knitting web (or should I say the fiber superhighway?)

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to remember which Knitty pattern I mentioned now? LOL. I'm as bad as you are. I love new patterns and starting new things. I've got so many patterns I want to knit and so many ideas I want to design. Most of my knits are new designs. I wish Icould knit faster. Need to practice speedknitting.