Friday, August 07, 2009

Random Socks N Stuff

I didn't get the Sweater pictures, but here are the pictures of the socks I finished. (I barely got these--I was VERY busy knitting on my sweater last night! If I wait a few more days it will be finished and I will just take a picture of it on me!)

I really like them now that they are done. These have been a WIP in the knitting bag for months! I don't know why either. They were super easy. Once I got in and was working on them they were done in no time.

The pattern is called "Rollercoasters" and I got it from Yarn Addict Anni's sock of the month KAL Sockamania. The yarn and pattern was from her etsy store Here. The yarn is a hand dyed superwash wool and bamboo blend yarn. It washes up really nice! I still have great stitch definition!

We had some of the bands that are playing in the Warped Tour stay the night last night at the motel. 3oh3, All Time Low, Valencia, and a couple of others we hanging around and The Daughter got to get autographed pictures with them and autographed CD's. She was a little excited needless to say!

This is her with the bass player from 3oh3. Notice the huge smile!And this is her with members of the band Valencia. She had a great time yesterday! I've never seen her so anxious to work the front desk. All of the members of the bands were really nice and we barely knew they were there except that their huge tour buses were parked all the way around the motel. No wild and crazy partying or anything. HB ran some of them around town to the golf course and restaurants and said they were "just normal kids".

I heard that Red Hot Chili Peppers stayed at our motel last year or the year before--now THAT would have been fun for me!!! I like the bands that stayed with us last night but Red Hot Chili Peppers--they are right up there on my list of fav's!

So, the motel was fun for the first time in a year. LOL!


Awesome Mom said...

I am old, I have never heard of those bands. I do like the red hot chili peppers though.

I love your socks!!! I have a pair I started before the baby was born and they have been creeping along slowly. Now that the night boy scouts is going on has changed i will get to go to my knitting group so hopefully I will have some fos to post on my blog.

ZONE F DG TEAM said...

I'd never heard of those groups with excepion to the red hot chili peppers.

Have a great weekend

Tama said...

3oh3 sings a top 40 hit called "Don't Trust a Ho" The radio station plays it every other song. Valencia and All Time Low are like "skater" bands.