I Miss My Home!
Things at the new job are fine....................I guess...................Not really. I am terribly homesick. Yes, I go home every night, but I miss being there all day.............in the quiet................with my doggy who loves me and keeps me company. I miss being there when my kids come home from school. I miss hugging them and asking all about their day. (I am sitting at work thinking about how nice my house always smells, my pretty flowers that are growing in the garden with my tomatoes, etc.) Boo-hoo.
I haven't done much knitting. However, I did finish HoneyBunny's first pair of short summer socks.
They look great don't you think! I am half done with the second pair. (I guess I am knitting more than it seems).
I still haven't started the bottoms for The Daughter's swim suit. I have endured many inquiries over the past two weekends as a result. Unfortunately, for her, it will be at least one more weekend before I can start them because I have a flower girl dress to repair for a friend of mine who's daughter is getting married. I better get busy! The Daughter notified me that she only has 15 more school days--which translates into, "The swimming pool will be open before school gets out and I NEED A SWIM SUIT!"
Our weather has been awful! Yes, windy! I can handle rain every day but not wind! Everything is covered in dirt that has blown here from California (I am sure). I really hope it gives us all a break this weekend as it is really starting to wear on my nerves!
Hope all is happy, knitty, fluffy, and wonderful where you are!
Happy Knitting!
I'm sorry you are stuck at work. But the socks look great! =)
Sorry about missing home...I feel that way, sometimes too. The socks look quite comfy!
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