Is It Spring Yet?
What a great weekend! No, I didn't spend it knitting (that would have been fun though!!) The weather finally got warm enough that we could go hiking. And let me tell you!! I spent Easter Sunday wishing I had worked up to the hike. I am still so sore! My back, legs, arms, even my hands are sore! (I think my hands are sore from not doing any knitting all weekend long LOL!)
This is HoneyBunny. He found some really nice fossilized sand dollars and several different species of fossilized clams in the boulder he is standing in front of. Our jackets didn't stay on very long. It was about 60 degrees (F) and just lovely outside! I think that part of the reason I am so sore was that I found some great rocks to add to my yard. When we hiked out I was carrying an extra 50 pounds (in rock) back to our vehicle!
Saturday afternoon we colored Easter eggs. This year I found some "Neon" food coloring and, as you can see, the eggs turned out really pretty! That "Electric Pink" egg was really something! I had actually bought the food coloring to dye some yarn with, but couldn't resist trying it out on the eggs first. The yarn should be pretty exciting if it looks anything like the eggs!

And here we are in our new Easter finery. I would have put the picture of all of us together on here, but I look like I weigh 200 lbs in it! I look much better in this picture with The Daughter. Yes, it was another lovely day, perfect for Easter!
In other news, I have started another blog. It is listed on my side bar as Mrs. Know-It. I get a lot of requests for recipes, gardening info., and miscellaneous stuff from my friends so I thought it would be fun to create a blog where all of this could be out there for everyone. Feel free to stop by! If you have a question I will address it in a post. I am really excited about it!! I don't profess to know everything, but what I don't know I usually can find an answer somewhere.
Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Those are awesome eggs!!! I can't wait to see the yarn you dye with it. We skipped the dyed eggs since I didn't think my kids would eat them. I missed the whole fun of dyeing though.
Those eggs come out fantastic, can't wait to see what the yarn looks like with that food coloring!
Took me abit, but I managed to find your blog address again...Phew.
Glad to spring has headed your way. We we're hit with yet more snow last night.
Those eggs look really colorful! We didn't do easter eggs this year, we just went geocaching. :(
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