Playing "Catch-up" on Friday
The Daughter had a white pumpkin so she decided to draw on her's instead of carving it.
I love how they look in the dark, all lit up. The white one doesn't exactly show up in the dark though.
As soon as the kids got home from school I took them "Trick-or-Treating" in town. Everyone was dressed up and the costumes were wonderful! Later, we went to a "Trunk-or-Treat" and the kids got more candy. After dinner (not that anyone was hungry after eating a ton of candy) the kids went around our neighborhood to collect more candy than we could possibly eat in a year. All said and done--we have 10 to 15 pounds of candy laying around. What happens if you gain a bunch of weight BEFORE Thankgiving and Christmas dinner? Then what? I guess I will ignore the bathroom scales for the rest of the holiday season and scare myself sometime in January.
This is my newest sock design (for all of the details and to purchase go to my etsy store). I love ski socks and sweaters and mittens and hats! This pair will turn up again at Christmas time as a gift for the Son who loves snowboarding. I know a lot of people are scared of "Fair Isle" knitting but I love it! It takes some time, and practise, to get the stranding just right. How you strand is important on sweaters, but crucial on socks! If you don't strand loose enough the sock won't even fit Barbie doll legs.
At last count THE afghan had 80 sts (rows) left. HoneyBunny says that it is fantastic and amazing and that the Daughter will cherish it forever. (SHE BETTER!!!) I had a very terrifying thought as I was reading my e-mailed Lionbrand newsletter. It said something about a "5 1/2 hour afghan". I honestly, in my insanity, thought, "Hey, 5 1/2 hours? I could make that!" Please! don't let me do it! It's a lie! It will not take only 5 1/2 hours because I will HAVE to make some sort of substitution, then add some sort of different border, maybe a skier motif here and there, etc., etc., and then I will be caught up in another afghan nightmare! Boohoo ;)
One more thing! I got my Ravelry invite!!! Yeah for Ravelry! I am so excited I can't wait to get it all put together. I will be sure to include links, to my pages there, on here. For those of you familiar with Ravelry I am "The Twisted Hare" of course!
I forgot to post the Halloween pics of my kids all dressed up! Thanks fiber Chic!
Little Black Ridding Hood.....................................................and
Skater Dude (Zombie)
The sock looks so cool! What did everyone dress up as for Halloween?
Gorgeous socks. So Norwegian looking. I love fair isle patterns too. I'm thinking I hsould be doing more designs based on traditional Norwegian fair isle.
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