What a week!
The past week has been exhausting! Finally after 9 months of fighting a workman's compensation insurance company HoneyBunny got his final spine surgery ok'd. So Wednesday afternoon he went in. His condition has improved so much it's amazing. The results are much better than we had anticipated and we are so happy. Here is a picture of the screws that have been holding his lower vertebrae together for the last 2 1/2 years. (Sorry, yes I realize they are huge and that it is gross to imagine those screwed into someone's back bone.) I think that if they showed you the screws they were going to use before they put them in that the majority of the patients would chicken out of the surgery.
For some reason I thought that this surgery would allow me an obnoxious amount of knitting time, but the whole thing took so little time that I haven't had hardly any time to knit. I was in the waiting room only 20 some minutes when I was summoned to meet with the doctor. Then he was only in the hospital over-night (Note* the last two times he was in surgery for 5 hours then the next time 3 hours and spent 4 days and then the next time 5 1/2 days in the hospital). It's is nice to have things turn out right for once though!
I am almost finished with spinning the scratchiest wool on the planet--thank goodness! I am going to have to attempt to repeat the color on some of my soft and lovely wool. It is so beautiful! I am very fond of deep, rich blue colors anyway. I also have to get my socks for Sockamania finished!! I only have 3 days left.
I guess I better get back to work!!
Happy Knitting!
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