Sunday, October 30, 2011

How Late Is "Too Late"?

So the day before yesterday I came across some lovely aran sweater patterns and decided that I should make a couple for Christmas gifts.....I am aware that it is the end of October and that Christmas is less than two months away.

(Great looking sweaters huh?)
Not too mention, but you all know what a flakey knitter I am.  Even as I had the thought of making these sweaters I cast on for a gorgeous pair of socks with US size 0 needles--lol.  And then decided I had an AWESOME idea for this scarf...all silk :)  I knit it straight through til it was done and it's gorgeous!

Do you suppose I can focus on just these two sweaters?  I am hoping that by making two at the same time, when I get bored with the one that I will turn to the other and not turn to starting another project.  I figure the two sweaters are different enough that they will keep my interest also.  And it's not like I'm knitting sweaters with fingering weight yarn.  The one sweater is with heavy worsted/bulky-ish yarn and the other is with worsted.  So they so work up pretty fast?  Maybe?

Here's hoping :)

Saturday, October 08, 2011

And Now My Gobi Desert Yarn Creation

You saw the yarn....and here are the socks.  Or at least the first pair.  They knit up really quick and they were a lot of fun to make.  Real simple and very warm.  I actually have enough yarn to mix and match around to make another pair of socks and perhaps a nice warm hat also.  It's great!

Thought I would include my pattern for these "House Booties" as a free pattern.  So if you would like to make a pair also, here you go:

Gobi Desert House Booties
Size: Woman’s Average to Large
Gauge: 22 sts = 4 inches
Needles: One set of five size 3.25 mm/US size 3 dpns
Yarn Description: Handspun Camel Hair yarn from 3 skeins, 1 in natural, 1 in tan, 1 in black. (this is enough yarn to make at least two pair)
CO 48 sts. Divide sts evenly onto 4 needles, join careful not to twist work. Work 1 x 1 ribbing for 4 rounds.
Work graph through round 10. Work 7 rounds even in stst. End ready to work short-row heel.
Short-Row Heel:
Using tan yarn begin working short-row heel.
Row 1:  (WS) Sl1, p22, w&t last st.
Row 2:  (RS) Sl wrapped st, k22, w&t last st.
Row 3:  Sl wrapped st, p21, w&t next st.
Row 4:  Sl wrapped st, k20, w&t next st.
Row 5:  Sl wrapped st, p19, w&t next st.
Row 6:  Sl wrapped st, k18, w&t next st.
Repeat in this manner, working one less stitch per row, until 4 sts in the middle and 10 wrapped sts on each side.
Row 1:  Sl1, k3, k st & wrap together, turn
Row 2:  Sl1, p4, p st & wrap together, turn.
Row 3:  Sl1, k5, k st & wrap together, turn.
Row 4:  Sl1, p6, p st & wrap together, turn.
Continue in this manner, working one more st and wrap per row, until all wrapped sts have been worked.  End on a RS row.  Cut tan yarn and resume using natural color.
Working in stst, k even until foot measures 2" (about 5 cm) less than total desired foot length. Change to tan yarn and work toe decreases.
K one round even.
Rnd 1: K to last 3 sts of needle 1. K2tog, k1. Needle 2--k1, ssk, k remaining sts. Needle 3--k to last three sts, k2tog, k1. Needle 4--k1, ssk, k remaining sts.
Rnd 2: K all sts even.
Repeat rounds 1 and 2 until 16 sts remain. Graft remaining sts together.
Finishing:  Weave in ends.  Work second sock.

CO: Cast on
1 x 1 Ribbing: knit one stitch, purl one stitch. Repeated for all sts around.
Stst: Stocking stitch--knit all sts around.
Sl: slip stitch as if to purl
K2tog: knit the next 2 sts together.
Ssk: Slip next st, slip second st, then knit the two slipped sts together.
W&t: wrap and turn. With yarn in front, slip next st as if to purl, wrap yarn around slipped st to the back of work, slip wrapped st back to left hand needle, turn work around to begin next row.
Copyright – Tama Vaughn, October 2011
Please do not distribute this pattern or sell any items
made from it without my prior permission.
