Monday, November 15, 2010

Life Happens....No Big Surprise

Well,  I have been putting off posting long enough.  Many of you know HB died in September.  It was absolutely devistating.  I am still having troubles going to work and want nothing to do with public places like the grocery store or church.  I want to talk about it but not where I am going to have a complete break down in a large crowd. 

As if his death hasn't been hard enough, the lack of support from his family has made this especially miserable for me.  He always insisted that if anything happened to him that they would stand by my side and be there for me and our children no matter what.  I told him that they would blame me and dump on me--guess who was right?  (I know I am sitting on my pity pot so bear with me a minute)  Thank goodness for my family and friends--cyber friends included.  All of you that have prayed, kept our family in your thoughts, and sent words of sympathy and condolences--you have no idea how much it has meant to us.  Your kindness has been my anchor in a stormy sea.

I am just now getting back to knitting, but my creativity is slower to return. No designing for awhile longer. HB was a huge supporter of my knitting and designing and it has been hard to pick it up without thinking of him. He would tell complete strangers about his hand knit socks and how lovely all my stuff was.  I will probably always think of him when I pick my knitting up.

Sockamania, the blog I was designing for, has closed down.  Between what happened in my life and waning interest we decided the time had come and the fun had run it's course.  We started a new blog called Tails of Another Yarn.  (You can find a link to it on my side bar)  This blog will be a "brag" blog where members can post their WIP's and FO's and get chances to win prizes.  Once my creativity returns I will design a few things for it here and there and maybe do a Mystery KAL or two, but for the most part it is just for showing off what everybody is working on.  If you would like to join us click on the sidebar link and read the "Welcome" and "How to Join" info.  We would love to see you there.

Again, thank you everyone who has been there, electronically or in person, for our family.
