Saturday, November 08, 2008

Nothing in particular

Ya, so that is my answer to anything when something goes wrong.--"That's it I'm moving to Mexico!" I visited the Yucatan Penisula and Cozumel at a very impressionable age, had the most amazing time of my life, and so now anytime I want to escape that is the first place that comes to mind. I have even told my husband that rather than go through another divorce, I will simply disappear, and "don't bother trying to find me because I know some great places to hide in Mexico".

Things here in the "new" place are, no surprise here, not as great as I envisioned. Rarely do things turn out the way I think they will. Don't get me wrong, a job that allows me knit myself silly is not ALL bad. However, it's not necessarily the "job" that is the trouble. I have already had to let go one of the maids because she wanted to go into the rooms, lay on the bed, and listen to her I-Pod instead of clean. As a result her grandmother, that she lives with, came in and proceeded to scream obscenities at me for 15-20 minutes until HoneyBunny came out and told her--in a language she obviously understood--to leave NOW! or we were calling the police. Ya, that was fun (not!). I can't say that anyone has ever talked to me that way.

Our ladies that come in to cover for us so that we can have a day off are a few sheep short of a flock--if you know what I mean. One got all mad at me last week because the cash drawer was short and I called her to ask her about it. She promptly reminded me that she is, "just here to HELP and if it is too much trouble having her come in she doesn't HAVE to come in." Hmmmm, well volunteers HELP out of the goodness of their heart, not for pay. AND "help" is only "help" if it makes things better--not more work. So, I don't know what to do......have her keep coming in to "help" or find someone that is interested in "working".

As if that isn't enough, The Daughter has a girl that has decided to pick on her at school and because the girls dad belongs to one of the Olympic bob-sled teams the principal doesn't want to do anything about it. It wouldn't be to much of an issue except that this past week the girl grabbed The Daughter by the throat and slammed her down onto a desk. Ya, the principal got the wrong side of me as a result!! The next day the girl was moved to another class--one that my daughter is not in. After talking to a few of the people around here that also have kids in the High School my daughter isn't the only one that this girl picks on. Hmmmm, in Colorado this girl would have been arrested and put into juvenile hall for even mentioning harming, or bullying, another student. The principals answer to this comment? "Well you're in Wyoming now." WHAT!?

So, you see what I mean? I am homesick. I don't want to move back, I just want to be surrounded by Non-Wyoming minded people for awhile until I have recovered my sanity.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

That's it! I'm moving to Mexico!

No, no wait! I can't wear handknit socks in Mexico--it's too hot. I'm moving to Norway. Look out Hege! Here we come.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Fun Stuff!

Halloween has come and gone. At least HoneyBunny was home this year!! We had fun dressing up. Since we moved to this small town the kids got to go Trick or Treating. They had a great time! The kids were really excited that HoneyBunny and I were all dressed up so we took this picture. Don't we make a cute couple?

HoneyBunny has decided that he wanted to try his hand at making jewelry. These are the first three rings he made. They are made from antique silver spoon and fork handles. Aren't they great!! I love them! So unique! Each one is one of a kind. I am going to be listing them for sale in my etsy store.

And.....Look at this adorable hat I finished over the weekend!!!!!! Once again, I was a woman possessed! I couldn't stop working on it. It is such a fun hat to make!! I think I'll make a hundred.

Of course The Daughter looks great in it. It is so handy to have such a cute model to put all of my hand knits on.

Well the new Sockamania sock pattern is out and I can't wait to get started! I am off to go knit some more.