Tuesday, May 27, 2008

My Blogaversary Came and Went

I must apologize for not writing on the anniversary of my blog. Two years!! Wow! It doesn't seem that long. I have been so caught up in all the drama in my life right now (ok for longer than just "right now") that I didn't have it in me to write. Between The Son growing up, summer break coming about without me being available to entertain my kids, HoneyBunny's never-ending back problems that is ruling his life, etc, etc. I just haven't felt like writing.

I have been knitting and crocheting though! I have finished The Daughter's swim suit--it's very cute but I doubt I will post a picture of her in it, but I may post a picture on my Ravelry page. And I finished another pair of summer socks for HoneyBunny.

He loves them. I love that they used nothing but left-over yarn! After all, a hole in the stash means that there is room for new yarn! Yeah for new yarn!

With the little bit of warm weather we have had our river here is trying it's best to flood the roads and whatever else lies on the banks. I checked out the USGS site (geology stuff) to see how high the river was running and it said that it was at 97% of normal and 11 feet above normal.

If you look closely at the background you can see the bridge that is usually 11 feet higher in the air.

The river is providing me with a source of distraction from all of the other "stuff" that is threatening to devastate me. I love to see Mother Nature take control and remind us that she does what she wants when she wants to and our efforts to contain her rarely work. I believe we should live in harmony with her not fight to control her.

So, that just about wraps it up.

Happy Blogaversary to me!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

snif, snif ;o( snif, snif

Well I have known for several years now that this day would come. I tried to prepare myself and tell myself I would be ok and everything would be alright. However, I have been weepy and melancholy all day.My precious baby has completed his elementary education and will become a "Middle-Schooler" when school starts in the fall :o( I am so sad. He is such a wonderful boy. After all the trouble he was as a baby--with all of his problems (heart, allergies, stomach troubles, crying, etc) he has been a model child.
I went to his "Me Celebration" at the elementary school that he has attended since kindergarten today. I was really nice. A local photography company went around taking candid and posed pictures of all the fifth graders in the school and put the collection together on a disc for the kido's to have as a way to remember all the good times. I cried the entire twenty minutes it played. I thought of how sweet and good all these kids have been as I have gone to the various classrooms over the years for different events. I thought of all the wonderful teachers that have loved my son and, in turn, have caused him to love school. He still runs up to hug his third grade teacher everytime he sees her.With the world becoming more and more uncertain all the time I hate to see him have to go through all the trials, pressures, and troubles that come with growing up.

I hate the thought of him loosing that innocence that seems to fade much too quickly when the teenage years set in. I hate to think that the smile that seems to always cover his face could turn to something sarcastic or rude. I hate to think about him growing up........period.You will always be my little boy, no matter where you are, no matter where you go, no matter what you do. I will always remember these precious first 12 years.

I love you.


Monday, May 12, 2008

Time Saving Technology

Supposedly computers save us untold hours of time and space. However, if you really think this is true, take a closer look at all the paper we waste making copies and have something go wrong with your computer.

I have spent HOURS and HOURS over the last two weeks trying to figure out what is wrong with my computer and printer. It has not saved me one minute of my time!! Something has gone wrong with my printer and it has somehow done something to the computer that it is attached to. I just want to tear my hair out, really, about now. I hate when there are technical difficulties!! It just makes me crazy. The reason, of course, is because instead of knitting I am sitting here trying to figure out what has gone wrong with my computer and how to fix it. I would much rather be sitting here knitting and relaxing rather than being all stressed out and angry at this stupid machine that is supposed to make my life easier and give me more free time to do the things that I enjoy.

Several years ago the computer I had before this one got spy ware or a virus or something and I lost EVERYTHING! All of my pictures of the kids birthdays, Christmas', Easter, baptisms, etc. I am still sick about it. No, I didn't back anything up because the stupid thing wouldn't turn on and let me once I realized what was wrong. I HATE TO LOOSE ANYTHING--ESPECIALLY PICTURES THAT ARE IRREPLACEABLE. So, the minute my computer experiences one little glitch I start freaking out and feel sick. I just know I am about to loose all of my pictures again. And wouldn't you know it, I haven't backed them up for a couple of months! Of course, nothing that would allow me to back up pictures is working either!

I really don't feel good right now. I am actually considering sending my pictures out to all of my online storage places so that I can figure out what to do with them from there. At least they won't be lost.

Time saving! HA!