Here it is!!! This is the lace project I have been talking about. As you can see I don't have much done. I need to create 20 of those little "mountains" and there are only six done. Then, when I have 20 little "mountains" and I have joined them into a ring I have to pick up some eight hundred thousand stitches around the straight edge so that I can begin the rest of the project. Piece of cake! I should have it done sometime in the next 10 years or so.
What is sad is that each pattern repeat does not take that long; half an hour or so. But at the rate I am working it.................If I could just keep the house quiet and not have any interuptions (like the phone ringing, or the dog wanting attention, or the kids moaning about how bored they are, etc., etc., etc.) it probably wouldn't take much time to make some real progress.
This is a close-up of the pattern in two of the "mountains". The yarn is a soft, powdery, baby blue alpaca laceweight. I love it! It will definately be a keeper when I finish it.
I also wanted to post a picture of the baby bolero that I made for my friends new baby boy. The picture really doesn't do it justice because you can't feel how soft that pima cotton yarn is. If you have not tried Knitpicks line of yarn called Crayon (100% pima cotton) I highly recommend you purchase some soon and try it out!!!!!! I have to think up something to make for myself out of this stuff soon. It would make a great little nightgown or something that would be worn next to the skin!Anyway, I hope all of you are enjoying your summer. If it does't cool down here pretty soon I am selling my house and moving to Alaska. It has been over 100 degrees for two or three weeks straight. Last night at 10:45 it was still 90 degrees outside (normally it has cooled off to 75 by that time) and when I got up this morning it had only cooled off to 82 degrees (if you call that cool). I am ready for autumn!!! It can come anytime now.
Hope it's cooler where you are!!!
Happy Knitting!
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
It is way too hot outside, here in the deserts of Colorado! Yes, there is a desert section of Colorado. We have the plains on the east and the desert on the west and the Rocky Mountains through the middle. Which provides all sorts of geologic and biologic variety. I love it here! Washington was a great state to live in because you could spend everyday, all day, day in and day out, knitting. There's not a lot of outdoor activities one can do when it is pouring rain so you find things to do indoors. That's my only regret for moving to Colorado. Sometimes there is too much to do outdoors and it gets in the way of more important pursuits, like knitting of course.
I can't believe I FINALLY figured out how to add links to this blog site!!! It's a party! Saddly enough I worked almost two hours yesterday on this site trying to figure out how to do it. I finally decided this morning to just try a different template, and viola! that's all it took. I am so happy I think I'll knit something special to celebrate the moment.
That beautiful lace project sure looks sad and lonely. I really should work on it again someday. I know I have promised to put a picture of it on here and still have not. I think I am embarassed at how little I have done since I told the world I was starting it. I will try to get it on here next week. I have a new good excuse for not working on it though, a friend of mine had a baby and I just had to make him the adorable "baby bolero" from the new book "Oneskein" by Leigh Radford. I used some absolutely divine pima cotton I got from Knit Picks and it turned out so nice. It's a great pattern if you need a quick baby gift. Very easy, very little sewing, great results! If you haven't taken a look at this book yet, I recommend it. I had to laugh though, yes all of the projects are made with one skein of yarn. However, some of those "one" skeins have 1250 yds of yarn on them (Lorna's Laces).
Well, until next time,
HAPPY KNITTING! and I hope it's nice and cool where you are!
Posted by
10:44 AM
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Last weeks post was a little short because we had family coming in to visit from Washington (state). I didn't get to knit one time all week until Saturday Morning. It was bliss to sit in my living room, in the peace and quiet, before everyone was awake and knit for about two hours straight. When I don't get to knit for a day or two I start getting withdrawals. I feel like I've forgotten something or something is missing. The feeling is similar to when you are at the store and realize that you left your list at home. You buy what you are sure was on the list, but at the register you have that nagging feeling that you've missed something important. Anyway, I spent quite a bit of quality time with my knitting over the weekend (no, I did not work on the blue lace project). I had cleaned the house so well in anticipation of having guests that I didn't have to do any housework for four days. I have been known to neglect housework in favor of knitting before, however this time it was ok because the house was already clean.
Summer is speeding right along and before we know it school will be back in and the weather will start cooling off. I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cool weather means warm fluffy clothing!!! My personal favorite. Not to mention, with the kids in school I have more time to knit because I don't need to entertain them. Public school does have it's advantages over home schooling (though they are few).
Happy knitting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by
1:32 PM
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
We spent the better part of four days fishing and exploring the back country of Colorado and Utah because my husband had a four day weekend because the 4th of July fell on Tuesday. Of course, while he fishes I knit. I love when he says, "Boy, it's a perfect day to go fishing." Because what I hear is, "Boy, it's a perfect day to sit in the warm mountain sunlight and knit, watch you switch out bait and lures, and observe the flora and fauna of summer." It's almost the season to start looking for mushrooms and wild raspberries, which means that knitting will take a back seat, when we go to the mountains, until I have enough of both to last until next year. My children are finally old enough to either be excited that we are going fishing and mushroom hunting or complain and pout because they, or rather "she", would rather go shopping and stay with a friend. Yes, I am about to be the proud mother of a teenage daughter.
Not much else to write about, I haven't done much else. You know what it's like when everyone is home. Mom becomes the all around entertainer.
Happy knitting!
Posted by
7:06 AM